What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week.
This week I spent all of my time working on the design report. I worked on our introduction and project management sections, updated our block diagram to be more readable, set up templates for some the sections, and filled in the areas relevant to my expertise in our software system, web application, and lyric retrieval mechanisms across the paper.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is slightly behind, as I forecasted would occur last week. I did not have time to work on any deliverables for this week due to spending all of my time on the design report. I will double down to make up the progress when we’re back, which should be very doable given fewer miscellaneous course deadlines demanding my attention.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
I will implement our full integration with Spotify API and do some basic renders of our front end. Given time, I will start work on our lyric scraper.
Hugo Status Report 2/22
This week I continued working on the specifics of the design for the filter system. I have started to look into the benefits of using a PCB for our circuit instead of the original / current plan which was to simply breadboard it. I am in the process of finalizing the actual design as I completed my matlab tests and am mostly satisfied with the current output of the vocal removal. Before I go into fine tuning, I first want to try breadboarding the circuit and seeing how well the filter works in real time analog. This is going to be my primary work for next week and my priority is finding out whether or not the system will perform with the same level of quality in our actual system. This week I also took time to analyze our new scoring method for the singing. Having pivoted to our new method of subtracting the original from the final signal and analyzing the remainder, I wrote up some additional matlab tests to see what this result would look like. These tests have been promising, but again, I need to test the results with signals in real time. Overall, next week will be centered around developing the first real circuit prototypes for the filter.
Team Status Report 2/22
What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?
One of our risks right now is making sure that we will be ready for relevant builds in a reasonable timeframe. As Professor Sullivan mentioned during our meetings, it is important to order parts with significant time due to potential shipping delays. It will be important to place orders for our project early this week, presumably after having our meeting with our staff on Monday to confirm our feedback from the presentation, so that we can have our relevant hardware accessible. After the parts are ordered, we should make sure to actively track parts, including over spring break, to allow for pivoting if a part is heavily delayed.
Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements, block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costs does the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?
All of our existing design goals are aligned with what we presented at the design presentation. We did more heavily spec out our existing design decisions for the design presentation, including selecting our audio processing style, specific hardware decisions (e.g. using the Arduino Nano BLE), and lyric sourcing mechanisms from our potential options. We also prepared a more in depth GANTT chart than we had for the first presentation. However, we are prepared to use for potential feedback from our design presentation to adjust accordingly next week.
Aleks Status Report 2/22
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week.
This week I spent time significant time on Sunday working on fine-tuning our design presentation slides. I also worked through one of the provided Spotify API tutorials, which should be useful in starting our development with Spotify. I did a bit of research into website scrapers as well, as I will be constructing one for our lyric retriever and I don’t have historical experience. Finally, I spent some time working on getting our design report started and understanding the relevant information that we will need to collect.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Next week will probably be mostly spent working collaboratively with my team continuing to work on our design report. With any additional time, I hope to do expand my work with Spotify API to provide relevant proof of concept for integration with Hugo’s audio processing.
Kiera’s Status Report for 2/22
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week.
This week I spent a significant amount of time preparing and rehearsing to give our design presentation. Additionally, I planned out more of the specifics for our microphone and accelerometer system. After doing research on different microcontrollers that we could potentially use I came to the conclusion that the Arduino Nano BLE would be the best fit for our design requirements. The built in accelerometer and bluetooth capability allow for our design to be more compact and mobile.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
By next week I hope to have placed orders for the required parts and to have a fully fleshed out plan for the casing of the microphone.
Design Presentation
D1 Team Status Report 2/15
What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?
Our biggest risks at the moment are coming from our signal processing for scoring and from our ability to do vocal removal with low latency. Scoring is risky because as we have recently moved away from pitch detection, we are now developing new ideas for metrics and if we are not able to select one and start testing it as soon as possible, we leave a risk of missing out on a major component of our gamification. For our vocal removal, we have confirmed that it is possible with low latency via software, but we still need this to become a hardware system ideally. Both risks are being managed by quick decision making, as we are finalizing design choices right now and are hoping to be able to quickly get to a testing phase and prototype these pieces as soon as possible. As far as contingency, for our scoring, we have a range of options including some extremely easy (but unideal) work arounds. For the vocal removal, there is always the option to use an AI model to do the work which is proven to be possible.
Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements, block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costs does the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?
The primary change is switching from a bandpass / bandstop filter to the subtraction method taking advantage of stereo output. There is not much as far as surface level cost, but this does limit our potential music library to only songs that exist in stereo format. It will simply require a small check with the Spotify API to verify before allowing the user to confirm.
Additional Questions:
Hugo’s Status Report 2/15
Continuing on where I left off last week, this week I spent my time looking into the specific methods for implementing the system. Because I am our primary audio processing lead, my work revolved around fleshing out not only systems for vocal removal, but also how generally getting the full outline for how our data is being passed around and what kind of processing we need to do. First, after our proposal presentation, we had a slight change of path with regards to how we want to do scoring for our game. Originally, we had intended to work with pitch detection but now wanted to find something that more accurately captured the karaoke experience for the average user. We came up with a series of new metrics and strategies, and are continuing to analyze and pick a specific plan. Then, I took time to investigate the vocal removal aspect. Because this is currently such a fundamental part of the project it is imperative that this works as expected. I used matlab to do some tests by passing through audio files to see the effects of our original bandpass and bandstop filtering idea. In the end, this was not effective. Although the bandpass could kind of get a weak signal that almost isolated the vocal (often leaving in percussion), the bandstop filter was next to useless at removing the vocals from the backing track. So, I moved on to testing methods that take advantage of audio in stereo format to cancel out the vocals by subtracting the left and right channels. In the end, this did provide favorable results while still allowing us to work with a hardware system as we had originally hoped. Then I took time to read into the actual wiring and built up a design for splitting the two audio channels, passing through our subtractor, adding in the microphone input, and outputting to a speaker. I also took some time to look at possible speaker options and assessed whether this was a part that we wanted to allocate substantial amount of the budget to, as it is crucial that the sound quality is high for the product to reach our user requirements.
Aleks’ Status Report 2/15
This week, I focused on working through our design requirements with our group. I participated in multiple group sessions to brainstorm the best solutions and both ask for and provide feedback on our individual project research areas. I continued my research into the Spotify API to ensure it met our updated requirements. I also did research into discovering the best strategy to retrieve lyrics for our application. I spent time researching and evaluating multiple APIs, web resources, and tools for accuracy and availability. We also got feedback that our GANTT chart needed improvement. I created a true GANTT chart and updated the tasks and timeline to be more fully fleshed out and aligned with our new design decisions. I also spent substantial time working on our presentation slides and going through gradual iteration and revision with my group. Next week, I hope to spend a bit of time actually building with our resources, then I will focus on our design report, taking into account any feedback from our presentation.
Kiera’s Status Report for 2/15
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week.
This week I continued to work through and finalize the design of the microphone and accelerometer system. I spent time researching tradeoffs of different microcontrollers based on our design goals of having it fit on the microphone, having easy communication with the software, not adding too much latency to the system, and not being too expensive. Additionally, I looked into the option of using camera vision instead of an accelerometer to track the user’s motion but decided that the accelerometer system fits better with our design goals and CV will be a contingency plan.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
By next week I hope to have tested parts of the accelerometer system using spare components and to have further fleshed out the design in the report.