Nick W Status Report for 3/8

I wasn’t able to accomplish much this week as I got sick at the start of the week and it lasted for the entire week. With the energy I had, I prioritized finishing my part of the design report and preparing for two midterms I had for other classes. We are still behind for the same reasons we were before, as with midterms and my illness we didn’t have time to catch up on work, but we will in the next two weeks, so we will try to get back on schedule in that time. In the next week, I hope to get an initial version of the 3D model done to revise with my group, and work with Chaitanya to help with PCB work.

Nick Status Report 2/22

I had less time to work this week, as I had a midterm, lab, and essay due. Sunday, we finished up the slides for our design presentation as a group, and in class, I did peer reviews for the others. I continued searching for the remaining components that we haven’t ordered yet, but need to confirm with the group that they are what we envisioned and that they will work with the microcontroller. Also did some research on how to add some additional features we were considering on the hardware side. We are technically behind, but this was planned for in the slack time we allocated in our schedule. Next week, I have two midterms, but still hope to get the parts ordered, work on the schematic in lab with the group, and finish my part of the design report later in the week when I have more time. I also need to talk to discuss the feedback from the design presentation at our meeting Monday.

Team Status Report for 2/22

So far, the biggest risks remain the same as last week, mainly with components or parts of our design not working as intended or being broken. We have ordered multiple of the parts we have decided on and will order multiple of future parts to mitigate this, as well as planned for alternatives to our PCB if that doesn’t work. We also considered some alternative methods to implement the current planned features of the pedal, as our microcontroller is more specialized and none of us have ever used it before, and while we have tried to look for any issues in planning, we need backups in case we miss something.

No major changes have been made to the design yet. With this being a week many had midterms, we did not have as much time as in previous weeks, so we prioritized getting the design presentation done and prepared for, as well as getting a start to the report. We have some concerns about the design, as it seems from the feedback of our presentation that there was some confusion about the way we explained the functionality, so we will discuss this further in our meeting Monday.