This Week’s Accomplishments:
This week, I presented my team’s Proposal Presentation. I discussed some design details with my teammates and course staff, including proposing the Daisy Seed microcontroller as our mechanism for completing the audio-to-digital conversion, programming the digital effects, and completing the digital-to-audio conversion. I researched the Daisy Seed and the quarter-inch cable input/output sockets. I discussed plans with my team to subdivide work for our Design Presentation: I plan to focus heavily on our Quantitative Design Requirements and the Block Diagram.
Our progress is on schedule.
Next Week:
Next week, I plan to program the algorithm for pitch-shifting in a test file, using a phase vocoder. I will discuss with my team which voltage the pedal should operate at. In addition, I plan to order some parts (the Daisy Seed, the input/output sockets, and the DC power adapter) for the pedal, and when the Daisy Seed comes in, I plan to acquire it and begin learning how to operate it.