Liam’s Status Report 3/8

Personal Accomplishments

While working on my laptop instead of the Jetson I was able to modify the sample program given by the manufacturer for using callbacks. I was also able to use a gaze estimation model online to get values for a given frame. I am still not very certain of how the depth is given by the camera but will figure out tonight or tomorrow. Its hard to do proper gaze detection since I have nothing to mount the camera on.


Currently on track.

Future Deliverables

Proper stand for camera to start doing depth detection when playing the game

Liam’s Status Report 2/22

Personal Accomplishments

I helped Trey this week with testing the electromagnets. The new cable also came in, and I was able to properly test it now. I will now be working on creating the POC for gaze estimation. Once we get the gaze working, I will have to 3D print a stand for the camera. The Jetson should be fully configured at this point we just need to write code for the estimation.


If I don’t finish the proof of concept this weekend I will be worried about staying on track. Besides that I am on track.

Future Deliverables

  • Proof of Concept
  • Stand for camera

Liam’s Weekly Report 2/15


Personal Accomplishments

This week I worked on setting up the Jetson Xavier as well as researching the proper way to do the gaze estimation. Setting up the Jetson proved to not be as easy as I thought since it can only be flashed from Ubuntu. WSL lets me flash the jetson but not install the toolset. I had to find an ethernet cable to connect the Jetson to the local network to install packages. I discovered a Nvidia toolkit called deepstream on the Jetson that comes with a preconfigured pipeline to use GazeNet for gaze estimation. I am considering buying a wifi m2 expansion card.

I also helped collectively to work on the design presentation.

I migrated our Gantt chart to using Github which allows us to group all the code In the project in one organization


I am currently on time. We are currently in the process of moving when we wanted an MVP so I will have to make sure I am ton op of my deadlines in the following weeks.

Future Deliverables

  • MVP Pipeline
  • Working Camera

Team’s Status Report for 2/8


One of the most significant risks that could jeopardize the project is getting gaze detection working properly while the user looks at a chessboard. If at any point in the project, we realize that we can’t continue with on-board gaze detection we will switch over to looking at a simulated chess board on a screen. We are developing a proof of concept of this subsystem so that this change can happen as early as possible if this is the case.


No changes so far since we have not started the process of building the chess assistant. We will implement changes as needed once our actual testing begins.

Gantt Chart

We have created an initial schedule that breaks down our tasks to complete in the first couple of weeks. These include proof of concept work, research, and initial prototyping. No updates have been made to our schedule as of now. The Gantt chart can be found below.

C8 Initial Gantt Chart

Liam’s Weekly Report for 2/8


Personal AccomplishmentsEarly in the week, I worked on doing preparation for our proposal slides. This week I did research on how to properly do gaze estimation. While trying to do a proof of concept for gaze estimation I realized I would need to know the depth to be able to properly calculate where a user is looking at. Doing research made me realize that I had to get some type of stereo camera that would allow me to calculate the distance from the camera. While doing research, I found that using an Nvidia Jetsen can help simplify our software stack since Nvidia has some models that can only be run on Nvidia hardware. Example of GazeNet(Nvidia)



I am currently on track. Depending on shipping and whether or not I can get a stereo camera will impact my timeline for creating the POC, which is due next week.

Future DeliverablesCreate proof of concept for gaze estimation

Setup Jetsen