Liam’s Weekly Report 2/15


Personal Accomplishments

This week I worked on setting up the Jetson Xavier as well as researching the proper way to do the gaze estimation. Setting up the Jetson proved to not be as easy as I thought since it can only be flashed from Ubuntu. WSL lets me flash the jetson but not install the toolset. I had to find an ethernet cable to connect the Jetson to the local network to install packages. I discovered a Nvidia toolkit called deepstream on the Jetson that comes with a preconfigured pipeline to use GazeNet for gaze estimation. I am considering buying a wifi m2 expansion card.

I also helped collectively to work on the design presentation.

I migrated our Gantt chart to using Github which allows us to group all the code In the project in one organization


I am currently on time. We are currently in the process of moving when we wanted an MVP so I will have to make sure I am ton op of my deadlines in the following weeks.

Future Deliverables

  • MVP Pipeline
  • Working Camera

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