Sara’s Weekly Update (3/8/25)

This week, I worked on the Design Report. I also attached the mounts for the motors. We decided not to use a second board because we could put the linear actuators (LA) on the wheelbase. So, I decided to attach the mounts as the second board would have made changes to the wheelbase harder, which we are not using.

IMG 1: Board with mounts

I worked on soldering the pins for one of the IMUs. My first attempt was poor due to the fact I did not fully some of the pins to the metal parts of the board. I desoldered and redid the process later, which provided a much smoother solder on the board.

IMG 2: IMU with Solder

I was able to glue two sides on the platform board. I also cut out the other sides for this board.

I am a little behind on the platform board. I plan to solely focus on building this week to compensate. I cut the sides too large and need to be sanded or ground down a bit. I plan on doing this immediately on Monday.

I plan on using double-sided tape to stick the electronics on the board since it is easier to remove.

Next week, my main goal is to finish the body. I want to complete the platform board assembly by Wednesday. By Friday, I will mount and secure the pistons. Toward the end of the week, I will begin wiring and positioning the electronics.

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