Rohan Shenoy’s Weekly Status Report for 3/8/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Reviewed and edited the Design Document with the appropriate schematics of valve attachement and connection to arduino
  • Designed the circuitry for the connection between the Arduino and the solenoid valves
  • Built the initial setup of tubing connection to appropriate solenoid valves and began planning out types of drinks and bottle sizes

Next Week Deliverables

  • Gather all of the parts needed for the circuit (including potentiometer, capacitors, motor driver) and begin testing different values for them respectively
  • Buy appropriate drink containers and attach tubing to them
  • Begin testing electronic valve openings and liquid control flow for different values

Status Report: On Schedule

Howard Ma’s Weekly Status Report for 3/8/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Completed construction of robotic arm and experimented with its functionality to be independently controlled
  • Helped go over the design report document submission
  • Helped with verifying circuit designs of the components
  • Begin writing Arduino control code for 12V valve control

Next Week Deliverables

  • Construct stirring mechanism
  • Finish and test control code for the valves and robotic arm to begin testing individual parts and prepare for system integration.

Status Report: On Schedule

Team Status Report for 3/8/25

This week our team completed some major milestones in our project. We got the robot fully assembled and got some movement out of it established from the computer. We also got the garnish wheel mechanism connected to the motor for it and assembled the parts for the solenoid valve pipes. We also completed the 11 page Design Review Document. For the garnish wheel selection and the solenoid valves, we have the circuit drawn out for it so all we have to do is receive all of the parts to actually test and assemble it.

There were no changes to the initial plan from this past week as we are still working through the assembly phase. As we plan ahead of the actually integration of the parts, we believe that it is best to each take on our own part and then integrate it afterwards. Howard will be working on the robotic arm, Arda will be working on the garnish wheel and Rohan will be working on the solenoid valves.

Given our progress on this week, we have set ourselves up to make the individual circuits, established by the Arduino. This will lead us to integrate the individual parts soon.

Currently, we believe we are on schedule. We had to make a slight deviation in our plans considering some of our parts didn’t arrive in time and. That being said we accomplished some later goals (such as the Facial Recognition) to even us out.


Free Response

Part A (Written by Arda):

The Bar Belt system addresses a global need for automated beverage precision. With the increasing demand for automation in home entertainment and hospitality, our project provides a scalable solution that minimizes labor costs and optimizes each drink’s efficiency. Since it is a cloud based infrastructure, this will allow for easy updates and remote operation, which makes it adaptable to various markets beyond Pittsburgh, including urban centers, homes and any hospitality venue.

This project can be generalized to anyone who has access to internet. Since the project will be entirely automated, the user won’t have to do anything except input the drink that they would like to drink. The WebApp interface will be intuitive and clear so that anyone will be able to use it, engaging users with any level of computer expertise. By being scalable, sustainable, and accessible, Bar Belt is made to serve for a global market.

Part B (Written by Howard):

Our project is designed to be able to adapt to different cultural and social drinking traditions. For instance, while some cultures may emphasize the base ingredients used, some others may be more focused on getting a good ratio. To accommodate to these different approaches, our system allows for customized drink recipes, ingredient selections, and precise volume mixing, ensuring users can recreate drinks consistently that suit whichever cultural custom they have.

Additionally, our system can be expanded to non-alcoholic beverages and ingredients, expanding the scope for the amount of drinks that could be created and reaching a wider range of users who may not want alcoholic contents. By integrating a flexible recipe database and ingredient selection process, users can enjoy a variety of mixed drinks with ingredients that they are able to pick themselves. Our approach ensures that the system is not only functional but also culturally adaptable, making it suitable for a diverse range of social settings.

Part C: (Written by Rohan)

Our project is designed with environmental sustainability in mind by minimizing waste, conserving resources, and promoting eco-friendly practices. By precisely controlling liquid dispensing through solenoid valves, the system reduces spills and ingredient waste, ensuring efficient use of beverages and garnishes. The automated mixing mechanism eliminates the need for disposable stirrers, reducing plastic waste.

Arda Akinci’s Weekly Status Report for 3/8/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Wrote the entire Design Document with the appropriate figures attached
  • Built the parts for the garnish wheel selector with the motor attached
  • Designed the circuit involving the motor

Next Week Deliverables

  • Gather all of the parts needed for the circuit (including potentiometer, capacitors, motor driver)
  • Have the circuit working with the motor moving

Status Report: On Schedule

Team Status Report for 2/22/25

This week, our team completed and presented during the design review, gathering feedback to refine our project further. We will be focusing on hardware integration, software communication, and system feasibility testing as we prepare for full assembly in the upcoming time.

On the hardware side, we finalized tubing size analysis and placed updated orders to ensure proper fluid flow. The robotic arm was assembled in preparation for integration, and we are beginning to plan the circuitry for solenoid valve control, and map connections for embedded system implementation. In parallel, we began researching how to integrate and power the various components properly and establish a smooth communication.

On the software side, we enhanced the Django WebApp, allowing users to select ingredients and mix drinks. We also established a communication channel between Python and Arduino to allow for result printing and system debugging.

As we prepare for assembly, a key challenge remains ensuring precise fluid control through the solenoid valves. To mitigate this, we compared several tubing sizes and materials and adaptors. Additionally, synchronizing the robotic arm with posing to grab the desired garnish could prove to be a hurdle, so we are working on its system control and integration  in parallel.

Next week, we will begin assembling a physical prototype, testing core components individually before automating the system. We will also finalize our circuit layout for embedded integration and complete the design review report for documentation. With these, we remain on schedule for software development, only slightly behind on physical system integration from the initial schedule due to receiving parts rather late.

Rohan Shenoy’s Weekly Status Report for 2/22/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Edited the Django website to allow for user requests of mixing different ingredients displayed in a cart
  • Mapped out the ingredient requests to different physical pinouts on the Arduino and established serial communication
  • Planned basic design and layout of tubing and solenoid valves that will controlled by Arduino

Next Week Deliverables

  • Fully completed design review
  • Circuitry of our project mapped out
  • Basic building of dispensing system

Status Report: On Schedule

Howard Ma’s Weekly Status Report for 2/22/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Completed tubing size analysis and ordered updated parts to ensure proper fit and functionality within the system for optimizing fluid flow and maintaining system efficiency.
  • Researched circuit connections and pinout configurations for integrating solenoid valves and robotic arms, preparing for embedded system control once the new components arrive.
  • Assembled the robotic arm to prepare for preliminary testing for full system integration later on.

Next Week Deliverables

  • Develop a working physical prototype to evaluate the feasibility of the system and identify and refine any potential adjustments.
  • Complete the design review report
  • Produce a circuit layout for embedded integration

Status Report: On Schedule

Arda Akinci’s Weekly Status Report for 2/22/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Established a connection between the Arduino and a python file, laying the groundwork for the Django WebApp to be able to communicate with it.
  • Created the output terminal so that the Python file could print the output of the Arduino commands to make debugging easier.
  • Completed the Abstract, Introduction, Use-Case Requirements section of the design review.

Next Week Deliverables

  • Fully completed design review
  • Circuitry of our project mapped out

Status Report: On Schedule

Rohan Shenoy’s Weekly Status Report for 2/15/25

Personal Accomplishments

  • Helped discuss and design our new implementation switching from solely a wheel to solenoid valve regulated tubing for liquid dispensing. Also researching electromagnetic materials for mixing. 
  • Researched and order multiple different size tubes and associates solenoid valves/adaptors for testing liquid dispensing rates. Also researched and ordered an appropriate wheel that can hold garnishes of our choice as well as logistics for a standing platform. Below is our updated supply list
  • Implemented facial recognition software into our Django webserver using OpenCV framework to serve as user authentication. Tested it on multiple faces via photos as well as in person.
  • Implemented a registration service that allows users to add a profile picture and their name for future authentication
  • Implemented the basic webpages and navigation panes for ingredients, products, and open suggestions.
  • Incorporated a generative AI model that the user can interact with via a prompt box.


Next Week Deliverables

  • Have a communication interface between the Django Web Application and the Arduino once it arrives
  • Begin building and connecting tubes to solenoid valves and drinks for testing liquid dispensing. Experiment with the different materials to find an optimal rate of dispense.
  • Begin programming the Arduino to allow it to control various valves.
  • Have basic communication between Arduino and Django web server.


Status Report: On Schedule

Team Status Report for 2/15/25

This week, our team looked into the details and logistics of our redesigned plan including researching and ordering appropriate tube diameters, solenoid valves and a medium sized wheel. In the next coming days as our parts arrive, we will be building small demos and testing small features of our design.

At the beginning of the week, we looked into ordering 12 V powered solenoid valves that support 1/2 and 3/8 diameter size tubing (with the appropriate adapter). We have since ordered those parts and in the mean time were looking up tutorials in terms of building and testing these features.

We also looked into possible ways of mixing, and we decided to use a magnetic stick bar, where it will move down into the drink upon a magnetic field being present. This simple, yet effective up and down process of mixing will be precise and minimize any spillage.

We also discussed the logistics of the garnish feature as it is a challenge to allow only one garnish at a time to enter the drink via tubing. We decided as a team to use an arduino programmed robotic arm that will have a fixed movement of picking up a garnish and placing it in the drink. The parts for this robotic arm have also been ordered. This new feature will decrease the overall latency of the system  because we can concurrently have robotic arm picking up a garnish can happen when  mixing process

For the Django web server we integrated a simple facial recognition software using OpenCv framework for user authentication and allows new users to take a photo of themselves for registration. We have also created basic pages for ingredients, products, and open suggestions. Our repository is here:  github.

This upcoming week, we plan to receive a majority of our parts and begin building our system and programming the Arduino based on our designs. We will begin testing the various tubing and valve sizes for appropriate fluid rates and begin the process of controlling the valves via the Arduino.

A.)  Written by Rohan Shenoy

Our automotive drink dispenser considers public health and welfare by ensuring precise, hygienic, and customizable beverage preperation. By automating the drink-making process with highly regulated solenoid valves and sealed tubing, the system minimizes human contact with ingredients, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring a sanitary beverage experience. The electromagnetic mixing mechanism ensures consistent and thorough mixing, improving drink quality and overall welfare for the users. Additionally, the robotic garnish arm eliminates any manual handling of the ingredients, further enhancing the hygiene of the experience. Furthermore, by providing a facial recognition authentication system as well as an interactive recommendation system of drinks, our system increases the overall welfare of users who can personalize their drinks with ease. Our safety is prioriitzed through minimizing any risk between any amount of spillage and electrical components, as we plan on distancing our arduino from the system, and covering up any exposed electrical parts. We also ensure safety by limiting the rate of liquid flow, to limit spillage and any overflow. Furthermore, the robotic arm will have limited movement between picking a garnish and placing it in a cup, hence not having the potential to cause any external harm or damage.


B.) Written by Arda Akinci

Our product solution will take into account the various social factors that impact how people interact with the system. Specifically, we will use a facial recognition for authentication with OpenCV. This will reduce barriers for user who have difficulty with manual input methods, ensuring a smoother and more inclusive experience. Also, the system will minimize human intervention, making it an efficient option for high traffic environments like bars, events and self-serve situations. 

Another social factor is cultural inclusivity in beverage selection. Our system will allow for custom input drinks which will be able to cater to their dietary, religious, and personal preferences. This flexibility will allow for any and all social environments. Our AI-driven suggestion model will provide users with drink recommendations based on preferences. 

The automation of our system will also reduce the burden on bartenders and service staff, allowing them to focus on customer interactions rather than repetitive tasks. This can ultimately lead to improved work conditions and better customer satisfaction. Along with this, we hope that our facial recognition will be able to detect whether the user is “too intoxicated” to consume another beverage, ultimately ensuring the safety of the user and the user’s surroundings. 

C.) Written by Howard Ma

Our product solution presents several advantages in consideration of economic factors in terms of production, distribution, and consumption.

From a production standpoint, our design prioritizes cost-effective components with free shipping, and 3d-printing structure to minimize custom manufacturing expenses. Also, by utilizing a modular design in each sections, it allows for scalability so future expansion could be done much easier.

From a distribution standpoint, our design has the potential to serve a broad range of commercial and home users. While it is true that it cannot replace a high end bar-going experience, for small events, home uses, regular restaurants, event venues and small parties, our users may find it appealing for convenience and consistency. Additionally, the modular and sectional design allows for easy component replacement and repairs, reducing costs of maintenance.

From a consumption standpoint, our design reduces waste and mess by limiting ingredient pouring errors through precise dispensing and minimizing human error in terms of drink preparation. The automated nature of the project allows owners to reduce human attention and instead tend to other areas, like interactions with guests, for example. Furthermore, by incorporating data-driven profiling approach, the user and inventory can be managed efficiently and effectively.

Here is the current Gantt chart that we established for our project proposal presentation. We are currently on schedule.