Personal Weekly Update | Carolyn | 3/8
Design Report (10 hrs):
Over the past 2 weeks, I spent a large chunk of my time on the design report – the abstract, intro, use case requirements, and all sections regarding the software. I touched base with my group multiple times to go over the various sections and ensure that our work was cohesive and clear. I also refined the feedback alert system on the software side, solidifying the following:
- queue-based alert system triggered by detecting 3 instances of the same posture deviation within a 5 second rolling window
- alert prioritization in the case of multiple form violations
- the varying alert types when paired with heart rate exertion above and below 80% of max heart rate
These refinements will keep alerts non-intrusive and as helpful as possible. Once we have a testable end to end system working, we can refine these thresholds if the system does not perform as expected or desired.
Mobile App Development (4 hrs):
This week I continued researching and following more Apple Developer Tutorials to continue understanding the various functionalities of Swift and simultaneously utilize this knowledge to implement the Cyclify app itself. I worked with displaying data within the app, to better organize and visualize information for the user. In addition, I spent some time experimenting with creating navigation hierarchy – to ensure smooth transitions between different views and create an intuitive user experience. I also worked with data flow, specifically how data is manipulated and passed across different screens to ensure that the views are connected. Lastly, I implemented an edit view, allowing users to modify their own data within the app.
Progress Status
I didn’t fully account for the time needed to complete the design report, so I’m a little bit behind schedule. I also feel as though I underestimated the time required for some of my tasks, but this was expected so I am not concerned. Additionally, I haven’t been able to dedicate time to Cyclify during the break, so once school resumes, I’ll need to adjust my schedule to catch up. For now, my main priority is to continue implementing the front pages, and a page for initiating Bluetooth pairing, and setting up a structure for data collection.
Next Week’s Goals
Next week I will be focusing on continuing to implement the front end pages, prioritizing implementing a page that is compatible to begin bluetooth testing in the coming week or so. I will also be continuing with Swift research and development, learning new features weekly that can be implemented into our app.