This week I’ve been working on adding enemies to the game. I’ve added behaviors and animations for sardine-type enemies that follow and attack + damage the submarine, and die when hit. Next week I will continue adding the rudimentary versions of enemies to the game as well as begin some work on more UI elements.
Programming Progress
I created a reusable fsm for common enemy behaviors such as movement, attacking the player, idling, and being stunned. Each different enemy type will have different behaviors for each state. Many of the implemented features from last week will need to be gone back over/improved on later.
Notes / To do:
- Add other 2 enemy types to game
- Spawning enemies over time
- Keycon controls need to reset module inputs to default values when switching modules (bug)
- Add a particle system to submarine motor
- Add a particle system to fish death
- UI for current depth
- Experiment with adding some kind of background so it’s easier to tell when moving.
- main menu UI / controller selection UI / pause menu UI
- think about adding screenshake?
- Consider fine-tuning sardine movement to be more sophisticated. Maybe add flocking behaviors? Come back to this after all 3 enemy types are in the game.
Art Progress
Sardines have been drawn + animated this week. Here’s one of them:

Game is starting to approach the point where we should probably start thinking about sound effects. Will contemplate this for a bit.
Art To do:
- Draw other 2 enemies
- Particle systems
- Experiment with / figure out background
- Some kind of water shader?
- Randomize sardine animation start frames so they’re not all synced anymore
- add 2D lighting