Matt’s Status Report for 3/8

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I completed the QR scanning code and successfully tested it using our Brio3000 webcam. In addition to reading the QR code value, I completed the code for getting the QR’s position and size. I also tested this on real-world QR codes using the Brio3000. This code should allow us to estimate a box’s depth and speed in our robotic arm system.

Is your progress on schedule?

We are definitely running on schedule. The software is ready to be tested with the arm/system.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

I plan on testing the QR code on the entire treadmill system. This will involve mounting the webcam above the treadmill and running the QR code scanning, position, and size tests on real boxes that are moving on the treadmill.

Teams Status Report for 3/8/25

This week we worked on the design report and planning out the connection of our algorithms. We discussed using pixel differences in the qr to judge the height of the box on the treadmill. We are working to test the camera and the rest of our electrical components. When we get the robot arm to work were are going to feed it live position control calculate from camera data.

Here is about halfway finished soldering and wiring of the robot arm motor control box. 


Marcus’s status report for 3/8

These weeks I worked on the report and wiring the robot. I was able to wire about half of the robot and do tests on one of motors and angle sensors. I was able to create a preliminary Arduino angle feedback control system for 1 motor. One setback is that the “360” angle sensors were actually 250, and I think the overall cause was esp32 only supporting 3.3v and not 5. This problem might require a switch to arduino. Otherwise everything going smooth, next week I am going to finish wiring the robot arm and do full movement tests. 

Raunak’s Status Report for 3/8/25

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files orphotos that demonstrate your progress. 

This week, we got the computer vision system set up started. Our camera got delivered and we verified that it was able to scan and track QR codes, which is essential to our system working. We also finished testing the kinematic equation solver and verified that it is working completely (via matplotlib simulation). In addition to all of this, I spent a lot of time on the design report, making sure we included a significant amount of detail for each part. I focused on the Abstract, Introduction, Use-Case Requirements and Architecture portions of the report.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? 

I think our progress is actually ahead of schedule. We are closing in on getting the MVP to work soon after the break!

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

For after the break, we want to start simulating the software on the robotic arm and the camera. For instance, we want to get the kinematic equations to work with the robotic arm and see if it is able to pick up objects. We also want to get the camera working with the CV software and be able to take the scanned QR codes, convert them to numbers and send this information back to the robotic arm so that it knows where to place the box.

Marcus’s Status Report for 2/22

This week I moved a treadmill to a stable location and ran speed tests. Additionally I took it apart to see the motor and pulley setup. Planning on ordering electronic components in the next week. I need to ask for where to get bulk 18-22 awg wire. I also made a 3d kinematics visualizer and move solver

Team Status Report for 2/22/25

This week we worked on finalizing out design, and camera setup. We have received the treadmill and camera, and are going to run tests accordingly. We ran the treadmill to see what speed settings it had and .5 mph is the lowest we can go without modifying the treadmill. This looks pretty fast so we are going to do some math on required speed for the move.

Next week we are going to test the camera with Qr’s and order hardware components.

Matt’s Status Report for 2/22

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I completed the initial QR code scanning code and successfully tested it on an online QR code dataset. I also improved the file to integrate both the vision and kinematics models and send out according placeholder commands to the Arduino.

Is your progress on schedule?

We are definitely on track. Hopefully we can ramp up in the next few weeks, as each individual module is reaching the point where we can put everything together.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

I hope to test the QR code scanner using the camera that arrived this week. Hopefully I can also start connecting to the Arduino / arm to test the entire system.

Raunak’s Status Report 2/22

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress.

This week I continued working on the software for our robotic arm. I tested the kinematic equations to make sure they were working as expected. To do this, I created a bunch of test cases for robotic arm positions and their corresponding angles and verified that our equations solved them correctly. Other than that, I started to work on the design report, adding information from our slide deck as well as the feedback we received. We also ordered and received the camera that we will be using for the box localization, which will be a major part of the project.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be
taken to catch up to the project schedule?

Our progress is on schedule as we received many of the parts we plan on using and have a solid start on the software component of the project.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Next week, I plan to help set up the camera and integrate it into our system. We want to ensure that we can receive images correctly to our computer that we will eventually pipeline into the CV algorithm. Other than that, if we have time, I plan on working more on the CV code and testing it with the images we get from our camera. This will be a sort of integration test for the entire CV system to ensure that it is working as expected. I also plan on helping finish the design report due next week.

Matt’s Status Report for 2/15

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I completed the code for the kinematics equations in Python, wrote a code outline for connecting to and communicating with the Arduino, and helped Raunak start the code for QR code scanning. I also contributed to creating the design review presentation; specifically, I helped with writing the low-level breakdowns and images.

Is your progress on schedule?

We seem to be moving smoothly on / ahead of schedule. The software and hardware are both slightly ahead of our original targets.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

I hope to finish the QR scanning code and get it working on online QR code test data sets. Ideally, I also hope to get it working on real-life QR codes that we print out, since our camera should arrive next week.

Marcus’s Status Report for 2/15/25

This week I finished designing and printing the robot arm. My biggest challenges next week will be wiring the motors sensors and controllers. I will then need to connect the ESP32 to a computer and see if I can get position feedback, and do PWM motor control. Ive made a wiring diagram but will need to order many components. The suction gripper has proved effective on lifting packages > 4 lbs.

I set up coordinate frame transform and made an algorithm for setting the positions of robot moves .