Cole’s Status Report for Mar 8th.

This week I helped as our group completed a large portion of the requirements of our MVP.

I helped to successfully write code for our ESP32 microcontroller DAC to generate the 60Hz sine wave. This was not only verified on input to the Amplifier using the oscilloscope and it was verified on the output of the Amplifier to ensure that the 60Hz wave was unmodulated.

I also helped to attach and the speaker to the Amplifier and verify that we could produce a sound. The speaker was not able to put out a fire but this was to be expected as we need a column to focus the sound waves in order to extinguish a fire.

I also helped to assemble the robot chassis that finally came in. While the it has not been tested it certainly will be this coming week.

I also helped to write the Design Report we had due friday helping to organize figures and write our testing plans for various parts of our project.

This week I plan to test the robot to make sure we can accurately drive it in the directions we need. The goal by the end of the week is to make the chassis able to integrate with the Raspberry Pi.

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