This week, the design presentation and finalization of design were completed. Apart of that, we took in feedback on the timeline of our testing and since receiving the parts, we tested the amplifier. The following images showcases our circuit. A waveform is hooked up to the breadboard and the oscilloscope is connected to the amplifier. The amplifier itself is connected to the power supply and everything is connected to a common ground.
From this test, we were able to successfully boost our output fromĀ 100mV to 600mV with a 60Hz wave. Along with testing, we took more into consideration the heating concern as well as distance between the speaker and the fire. This would need to be continuously tested in the future which is part of our Gantt schedule already.
The most significant risk currently is trying to figure out the most ideal power supply to use to power the amplifier and all the other components in our design. This is concerning since we have a maximum of 50V and 10A which is really high, however, the plan that we currently have is to have 3 LiPo batteries in series with each other that are each 14.8V which would roughly give 44.4V (as long as it is between 36-48V).
As of now, there are no changes to the existing design presented at the design presentation this week. Moving forward, the only other costs necessary are the robot kit which we are waiting a little longer to buy since we want to fully focus on reachingĀ MVP first.