Steph’s Status Report for February 15th

This week I started finalizing the design for the speaker apparatus and purchasing items. The type of amplifier was chosen (TPA3255) to be able to meet the specs of the speaker which would be 100W RMS and 8Ohm load. This chip would be able to meet the requirements with the downside of needing a higher voltage input than we anticipated so therefore we will be increasing the LiPo batteries that are needed. Another thing was adding in a simple low-pass filter before the amplifier part since we are using an ESP32-WROOM to generate the signal. I chose the ESP32 since it is able to generate the lower frequency range of 30-60Hz that we intend to test with while also outputting a sinusoidal wave.

Once I get the parts for the speaker and all the components, I want to start testing the ESP32 first and get the code working for that. I also want to get the specific parts for the filter and build that so it would be simple to connect everything further along.

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