This week I continued research on the circuitry part of the design which includes the ESP32, RC filter, amplifier, and the speaker. I picked up the parts that came in and the amplifier specifically needed to be more looked into. The main thing was figuring out all the inputs and outputs of the amplifier board which would take in the signal through a 3 pin connector which would in turn be the breadboard from the filter and that would in turn be connected to the ESP32. From the other end of the amplifier board, it would take in power supply which would be between 36-48V and then the right and left connectors would be connected to the speaker magnet via ground and voltage. I am looking into purchasing the malleable steel sheets soon so that we are able to build the collimator as well with the cardboard being the interior structure.
By next week, since we have the speaker magnet, I want to construct the collimator with the cardboard and the steel sheets and then have that fitted. However, since next week will be the week prior to spring break and I will be leaving relatively early in the week, I hope that we can get more testing done with the amplifier and also get the parts for the filter.