Cora’s Status Report for 2/22/2025

This week I attempted to do the blink detection algorithm and browser extension integration. Last week I was able to get webcam access in the browser extension with the intention of just integrating the blink detection script into the JavaScript of the browser extension. I ran into some issues trying to make this work, specifically Chrome no longer allows remote script to be executed with the release of Manifest V3. I proceeded to install opencv.js locally and uploaded it with the browser extension files but still ran into issues since opencv.js uses eval which Chrome prevents from running even when calling local code. So I’ve abandoned the idea of running the blink detection algorithm via the extension and instead decided to get it up and working with a simple web app then once that is working properly have this web app store the data from the blink detection algorithm in a cookie in the user’s browser and then have the extension read the cookie and display the data.

I definitely wanted to be able to get the blink detection algorithm done this week, but don’t think this makes me behind quite yet. I think if I can’t figure it out next week I will consider myself behind. Ideally I also get the automated screen brightness adjustment feature of the extension done next week too since I should not run into security issues with this because it does not require installing a library like opencv.

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