Ruslana’s Status Report for 2/8/25

  • Researched memory options on FPGA DE 2 board (block rams, SDRAM, SRAM, Flash) and explored options through Quartus Megawizard IP Interface
  • Discussed with Professor Nace for potential options on FPGA memory
  • Derived new design based on FPGA Block RAMs based on discussion with Bharathi and Katherine on CPU/PPU accesses
  • Re-designed Memory Controller Datapath to utilize block RAMS
  • Obtained DE II 115 boards from Quinn and distributed it to members
  • Created 5 generic memory modules for Block RAM
  • Created testbench for each memory module in simulation and Chip Interface
  • Synthesized and tested BROMs/BRAMs on FPGA and confirmed success by empirical validation
  • Did research into audio/USB integration and realized NIOS II is a soft-core processor that you can write C code for, but it gets synthesized onto the FPGA and uses up the LUTS. It’s a way to give people an easy route to write C code to be used on FPGA, but not on on-chip computer that talks to the FPGA itself.
    • FPGA University Program on Quartus ECE Machines gives some kind of Qsys interface to create USB and Audio IP devices? Requires further research.