What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
- This week I worked with Wen Hui and Alexis to hash out the interfaces and handshaking signals between the embedded controller, game controller, and the web app. I wrote out the requirements for these functions in detail in this file here.
- I cut out ports into the battery holders so that the charging ports were accessible.
Battery holder USB-C charging port cut-outs. Made with box cutter, wire cutters, pliers, and metal file for sanding.
- I helped Alexis make laser-cut files for the bottom and side of the blocks, using measurements from our physical components.
- I finished integrating the Merriam-Webster API into the web app. I wrote several functions to help make an API call and then parse the request to extract the specific information I needed from the complicated API response. The function I wrote can be found in this file here.
- Most of my time this week was spent on writing my portions of the design report, formatting it, and cleaning up the diagrams for it.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
- My progress is mostly on schedule. I tried to set up the web app on the RPi this week, but ended up deciding to switch to packaging it all as a Docker and then just running that on the RPi instead so that I wouldn’t have to worry about environment dependencies. In terms of testing, I manually tested the web app game logic and hint retrieval latency/robustness through many games, but have yet to do it quantitatively according to our written out testing plan as I wanted to do this once the web app was successfully running on the RPi.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
- Next week, I hope to be able to host the web app on the RPi 5 through Docker. Once hosted on the RPi, I hope to start our testing plans for the game logic accuracy and hint retrieval latency. I also plan to help with the mass-fabrication of the blocks.