Wen Hui’s Status Report for 3/8

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

  • I finished the designing and coding of the embedded controller and UART controller (helper class within embedded controller to handle UART communication by abstracting away the processing of retrying + delays) on the RPi. I wrote the functions send_query, send_word and send_color within the UART controller that handles sending of the respective commands to the Pico. I wrote the functions on the embedded controller which interfaces with the game controller (the game controller will be written by Nicole along with the web application). I thought about and wrote the embedded controller submission logic by integrating GPIO with a callback function that sends a POST request to an endpoint that is specified by the web application. I tested the multiplexers which were newly acquired and integrated it to embedded controller logic for selecting the grid position to read/write from. 

  • All the code for the embedded controller to handle game play and user interaction is complete. I also finished testing all the functions within the Rpi within the limited capacity of a block and a grid circuit built on a breadboard.
  • I also helped with the replication of the other 7 blocks by soldering header pins onto components such as pogo pins and Picos.
  • I started looking into the design for the grid system and asked Techspark about wood materials for laser cutting. We found that purchasing wood is too expensive so we are switching to using cardboard instead.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

  • I am currently on schedule with an upcoming task of testing 2 blocks once they are fully built with an independent power source within the block.
  • We have decided that I will focus on prototyping the code for a single block first before working on the grid design. I intend to test the grid circuit on the breadboard for now while I ensure that all the blocks we make are functioning.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

  • I hope to start testing the integration of the embedded controller with the game controller (especially for submit button). I will test if the POST request is being sent from the embedded controller to the game controller.
  • I also hope to test out a fully built block and whether it interacts well with the grid breadboard circuit.

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