What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
– I crafted the design requirements and made calculations to ensure that our choice of parts fit within the design requirements.
– I helped with creating the block diagram to represent the different components.
– I also helped to design concrete testing procedures in the area of unit tests and integration testing with clear quantitative metrics to measure our project’s success
– Based on our ideation, we have designed that there will be three main components in the central RPi: the WebApp, Game Controller and Embedded Controller. Since I am working on the embedded communications, I created a flow chart for each of the functions of the embedded controller based on the inputs from the Game Controller and the physical hardware peripherals
– Since we received the RPi this week, I set up the RPi, installed the relevant libraries we will be using and set up the basic test programs for UART, I2C and GPIO testing based on the libraries I researched last week. I could only test UART since the components have not yet arrived
– I also designed a simple algorithm together with a message sending protocol to handle the sending of the words between the blocks and the grid.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is slightly behind schedule as we did not expect that the initial integrated LCD screens with ESP32 would be sold by a banned vendor. As such, we only ordered the new LCDs on Wednesday after researching for alternatives. I will work on some tasks that has to be done next week (such as planning out the circuit connections) before the parts arrive so that I can still be on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Next week, I have to interface the RPi with the actual components such as Pico and LCDs once the parts arrive. I would be doing individual interfacing between the RPi and each of the peripherals using UART, GPIO and I2C according to the libraries I have tried out this week. I will also start building the breadboard circuitry to establish a prototype grid + single block circuitry.