Yuna’s Status Report for 03/08/2025

This week, I spent half of the time working on the design report and the other half on the web application. I mostly worked on design trade studies, test and validation parts, and parts that need explanations about web app. I revised it with the team at the end.

For the web application, now I have a rough outline for everything. I spent most of the time reading different react documents and learning how to use different libraries. I have a working frontend that displays plant info and backend that has plant models, though I will still need to work on specific frontend designs using bootstrap. (Right now the website has very basic components)

I am on schedule. As planned in the schedule, next week I will start working on the data transmission part on the web application. The rough web application is set up, but the sensors and APIs are yet to be integrated. I will improve the design and UIs as I integrate those into the web app.

Next week’s deliverables:

  • Implement django channels (websocket).
  • Replace the current database with AWS dynamoDB.
  • Integrate RaspberryPi with web app.
  • Keep improving the design of the app.

Yuna’s Status Report for 02/22/2025

This week, I specifically worked on Solution Approaches and Testing, Verification, and Validation part in the design presentation. My team and I ordered different plants and additional components for the plant care, including soil and  liquid nutrients. Our team also assembled the greenhouse together.

I designed a rough user interface, and currently have a partially working web app. Here’s the rough UI design (it’s high likely to change in the future):

I did more research about what specific AWS services to be used for data transmission between the web app and the microcontroller. For database, we were planning to use AWS dynamoDB, but after research I realized we could also use AWS IoT to connect dynamoDB with RaspberryPi.

I am currently on schedule.

Next Week’s Plan:

  • Finish frontend and backend – have a working web app by the end of spring break
  • Explore more about how data will be transmitted from/to the web app (AWS services, HTTP/MQTT)

Team Status Report for 02/22/2025

There were no major changes to the existing design.

Challenges & Mitigation:

  • Datasets for ML not having all necessary data: There were no single datasets that have all the data we needed for health detection, so multiple datasets were selected to be combined. 
  • Potential plant loss during training: We planned to let the system support three plants last time. In order to ensure a larger dataset and be ready for plant loss, we ordered 4 plants for each plant type. We are planning to set up the sensors and actuators as quickly as possible.
  • Increased costs: We ordered plants and additional components (blackout window film, liquid nutrients, soil, basil plants, hamalayamix foliage plants, flowering plants), which was a larger increase in costs than we expected. To mitigate this, we found the cheap but appropriate components to be purchased and minimized the amount of extra components like soil.


  • Finalized and ordered plants and additional components for growing plants.
  • Assembled the greenhouse.
  • Worked on code that runs sensors.
  • Started working on the design review report. Split up sections of the report for each person.
  • Keep working on ML integration and web app.

Next Steps:

  • Keep setting up temperature/humidity sensors and start setting up a heater.
  • Finalize web app and user interface.
  • Establish initial training framework for the ML model.
  • Keep working on the design report.

Yuna’s Status Report for 02/15/2025

I looked up specific components to be ordered and made sure they met our project’s requirements. I specifically finalized actuator components like mini heater, humidifier, and LED lights.

For design presentation, I worked on listing solution approaches for hardware and software and testing and verification metrics.

I finished the initial setup with Django and React frameworks and made sure they work together correctly. Our original plan on the schedule was to first finish the backend portion and work on frontend later. However, while I was setting up the code I realized working on them together would be more efficient. I wrote basic code that can store plant database in Django. Currently, the database is based on sqlLite, but I’ll later use AWS DynamoDB to store data.

I did research about how I can use AWS Educate as a student. I applied to AWS Educate and got registered to the program. According to the website description, a student will get a credit of $35 in AWS Educate, which I believe will be enough for our project.

I am currently on schedule.

Next week, I will start implementing API calls for plant database and confirm API is being called correctly. I will also start working on basic UI of the app  (frontend).

Yuna’s Status Report for 02/08/2025

This week, I worked with my teammates to work on proposal presentation. I specifically was in charge of Technical Challenges and Testing Metrics section.

For technical challenges, I researched and thought about possible challenges that we will face throughout the project. Based on our project requirements, I searched up different possible technical issues.  I took a look at the previous semester’s team who worked on a similar project to ours, and identified what similar challenges we might face and how we can be ready with backup plans. For Testing Metrics, I discussed with my team and looked up what metrics can be used to measure the success of the product. I referred to other past capstone projects and determined what numbers are appropriate for testing. It also helped me determine how specific I should be about testing. For example, measuring “accuracy” was vague – instead, I decided to use false positive and false negative rates.

I conducted research on how I can specifically use tech stacks we planned to use for web application. We are set on using Django for backend, since Django works well with ML/OpenCV, can integrate with MQTT, and I have experience in using it.

Our project is currently on schedule.

Next week’s goals are to order all the components needed, work on design presentation slides, and begin setting up the Django framework.