This week, I worked on the ethics assignment to evaluate the ethical considerations related to our project. On the technical side, I continued developing the API code and discovered that the initial API we intended to use was no longer actively maintained, though some calls were still functional. Upon further investigation, I found the API’s database but determined that it lacked the necessary data for our project.
To address this, I implemented an alternative API to retrieve the required information. However, certain critical details, such as plant watering and lighting schedules, were locked behind a paywall. As a workaround, I explored web scraping as a potential solution and identified several websites with relevant plant data, though they cover a limited selection of houseplants.
My progress remains on schedule, and I am now shifting my focus to setting up the heater. By next week, I aim to finalize the heater’s control code and complete the web scraping implementation to gather the necessary plant data.