Yuna’s Status Report for 02/15/2025

I looked up specific components to be ordered and made sure they met our project’s requirements. I specifically finalized actuator components like mini heater, humidifier, and LED lights.

For design presentation, I worked on listing solution approaches for hardware and software and testing and verification metrics.

I finished the initial setup with Django and React frameworks and made sure they work together correctly. Our original plan on the schedule was to first finish the backend portion and work on frontend later. However, while I was setting up the code I realized working on them together would be more efficient. I wrote basic code that can store plant database in Django. Currently, the database is based on sqlLite, but I’ll later use AWS DynamoDB to store data.

I did research about how I can use AWS Educate as a student. I applied to AWS Educate and got registered to the program. According to the website description, a student will get a credit of $35 in AWS Educate, which I believe will be enough for our project.

I am currently on schedule.

Next week, I will start implementing API calls for plant database and confirm API is being called correctly. I will also start working on basic UI of the app  (frontend).

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