Charvi’s Status Report for 3/8/25

This week, I primarily worked on the wireframes for the website. They are in the design report.

We did a lot of rework of the web application such as what networking features to include, so the wireframe was very necessary to get our entire group on the same page about what we have to design and what exactly our web app is used for. This will be a good way to have everyone on the same page if we add / change anything additionally.

I am behind schedule- I did not finish all of my goals to have the website working with basic functionality since we redefined our scope for the webapp. I have to spend a lot of time this week actually getting the website coded (especially with all the changes just added).

As mentioned above, this week I aim to have basic functionality of the entire site (or atleast the most important pages (recipe selection, recipe running page) working).

Charvi’s Status Report for 2/22/25

This week, I got some more work done on the webapp.

I was able to add profile functionality, with basic profile picture editing, bio adding, and follow / unfollow funtionality. Here are some screenshots:

(wordpress is seriously dropping the quality so that nothing is readable, so instead I linked it here^^).

It’s still quite barebones, but the functionality works and can be built upon.

Earlier in the week, our team also spent a decent amount of time working on further specifying the design specs for our design review presentation, and also working on the slides themselves.

I was able to add the unfollowing / following and basic networking functionality to the webapp, as well as making the website navigatable via hyperlinks, but it is not as clean as I would like and there are a few (though small) bugs. I also was unable to add the score / level functionality.

Overall, I was not able to get a satisfactory amount of work done on this project this week due to other classwork and other circumstances, so I am running behind.

As for what I have to do to get back on track, this week I really want to be completley done with the app functionality – Diya is tasked with working on parts of the networking (nameley deploying on AWS, and adding more advanced friending features such as requests), so I will focus on the score part and also cleaning up everything else. And then, depending on what my teammates are doing, I will either work on the website front end and make it look better, or help Diya out with the gesture recognition.


Charvi’s Status Report for 2/15/25

This week, I focused on getting a basic webapp with basic functionalities working locally. This included the add recipe functionality, select recipe functionality, as well as log in, log out, and registering users.

I got this done (though it looks quite bare bones)

Here are some screenshots (wordpress is lowering the quality of these photos alot and I cannot find out how to fix this, but essentially there are basic user register, log in, recipe input, and recipe selection functionality):


Our team also spent a lot of time this week redefining our project goals, scope, and complexity. This is explained more in the team status report, but what that means for the webapp is that we plan to add a lot of networking functionality, specifically with friending users, veiwing progress of others, and scoring / acheivments. This means there is quite a lot I will need to add / rework into the webapp.

In addition, we decided to no longer use Unity XR development as this seems like overkill for what we want to do (static text images), as it is for XR game development. Thus, we will just generate static images on the application in a simpler way.

My goals for this week according to my previous report were to get the basic MVP for the website done, which I had mostly done (though as mentioned, it will need a rework). I also wanted to work with Unity XR development a little, which I did not do, due to the rework of our goals.

Due to the project goal rework, I would say I am running behind schedule. Though, I don’t think by too much – I can use the existing basic webapp and models for the DB that I have created, just need to move things around and add some more functionality.

My goals for next week are to, as mentioned before, add networking functionality, friending / following functionality, and add score / level / acheivment functionality for completing recipe to the webapp.

Charvi’s Status Report for 2/8/25

This week, our team worked on the porject proposal, website, and presentation.

I worked individually on creating the gannt chart for the team as well as the testing schedule and general scedule, and our team met multiple times to go over our proposal presentation as well as general project requirements and details.

I presented for the team, and after presenting we got some intersting questions and new considerations from our peers to go into.

One particular question that was interesting was pertaining to hand gesture recognition, and that it may not be feasible given the circumstance of being in a kitchen and there being a lot of moving parts. I think this is something we will have to test early.

I also spent some time looking into XR (specifically AR) development on Unity, as we did a breif exploration earlier but I wanted to get started with development. I spent some time getting familiar with Unity in general, and will be ready to use it going forward.

I am generally on schedule, though we will need to pick up the pace especially since web app development is supposed to be pretty much finished within the next week or two.

This upcoming week, I hope to get a wep app MVP finished and our basic databases set up. I hope this won’t be too bad, as both Diya and I have taken web app development, though it has been a little over a year so we might need to refersh ourselves a bit. though I still don’t anticipate it being too difficult. Once this is done if I have time, I want to do some basic Unity AR development and test it on existing hardware (my roomate has a meta quest) – just to make sure that there are no huge obstacles.