Charvi’s Status Report for 2/22/25

This week, I got some more work done on the webapp.

I was able to add profile functionality, with basic profile picture editing, bio adding, and follow / unfollow funtionality. Here are some screenshots:

(wordpress is seriously dropping the quality so that nothing is readable, so instead I linked it here^^).

It’s still quite barebones, but the functionality works and can be built upon.

Earlier in the week, our team also spent a decent amount of time working on further specifying the design specs for our design review presentation, and also working on the slides themselves.

I was able to add the unfollowing / following and basic networking functionality to the webapp, as well as making the website navigatable via hyperlinks, but it is not as clean as I would like and there are a few (though small) bugs. I also was unable to add the score / level functionality.

Overall, I was not able to get a satisfactory amount of work done on this project this week due to other classwork and other circumstances, so I am running behind.

As for what I have to do to get back on track, this week I really want to be completley done with the app functionality – Diya is tasked with working on parts of the networking (nameley deploying on AWS, and adding more advanced friending features such as requests), so I will focus on the score part and also cleaning up everything else. And then, depending on what my teammates are doing, I will either work on the website front end and make it look better, or help Diya out with the gesture recognition.


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