Over the past week, I have been exploring options for camera models. The camera is an integral piece to our project, and since we have a goal of 90% accuracy for card identification, the choice of camera is very important. Out of the many options, one option I found was the Intel RealSense camera series. These cameras have sub-millimeter accuracy, which is sufficient for us, since this camera will be on a short tripod close to the hands of cards. Out of the many options, I settled upon the D435 model, a camera that records at 90 frames per second, with RGB capabilities, and a USB-C connector. Also, I have been researching videos on how to interface the Jetson Nano with the camera. This is a common practice that people do, so there is support for if we run into issues. I am currently on schedule. Early next week, we will place the order for the camera (unless the ECE department has one, in which case we will borrow one), and then we can start testing data transfer with the Jetson Nano with a small sample program. Then, we can start developing the ML model for identifying cards.