This week, I worked on our design presentation, and I specifically worked on the Gaant Chart, work distribution, part of the implementation plan, and part of the top-level design. Additionally, I did research on possible power supplies and the requirements of our prototype. I also did research on the haptics items we need, the pressure pad items we need, and how we are going to connect them to the jetson. I put in a purchase request for all of these items.
Our project is on schedule, but we want to being making more technical progress, so we will be meeting on Sunday to make more technical progress. This will include initializing our Jetson Nano and familiarizing ourselves with the L515 Camera.
Future deliverables:
In the upcoming week, we will be making our design presentation, and we will also be clearing the Jetson Nano, which we have heard is not straightforward. As long as we work through that, we will hopefully be starting to set up the environment as well and familiarize ourselves with the layout.