For the web app, I’ve made some more progress on the Django backend structure. I completed the initial database models for users, image records, location history, and daily summaries. I’ve established the relationships between these models and implemented the basic query functions needed to retrieve and display the data efficiently. I also created the first version of the calendar view that will serve as the main interface for users to access their daily logs.
On the cloud infrastructure side, I’ve been working with Dhruv to address the AWS configuration. I researched alternative approaches for handling image storage within the AWS free tier constraints, focusing on ways to optimize our S3 bucket usage through aggressive image compression and efficient data structures.
For the frontend, I refined the UI mockups based on our design requirements and began converting them into Django templates with responsive CSS.
My progress is slightly behind schedule due to the unexpected AWS configuration challenges and the time spent on the design report. To catch up, I plan to dedicate additional hours next week to the web app dev and will parallelize certain tasks by working on the frontend and backend simultaneously.
For next week, I plan to complete implementation of the calendar view with mock data integration and finalize API endpoints for image and location data processing.