What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week, I spent a lot of time refining the design and control system for the four stepper motors (one for rotation and one for linear motion on each rig) using a single Arduino. I tested a few different approaches to optimize power consumption and reduce battery usage, but after some troubleshooting, I concluded that the original plan of creating two identical PCBs, rather than one large one, would be more efficient and reliable.
On Monday, I reached out to Techspark to ask about 3D printing costs. After calculating the material needed, I realized it would be too expensive for our budget. So, I spent time researching alternative designs that would minimize the need for 3D-printed components while still meeting our functional needs. I came across a promising design for linear motion, panning/rotation, and object detection that was both simple in terms of assembly and Arduino coding:
Reference Design: https://www.the-diy-life.com/diy-motorised-camera-slider-with-object-tracking/
I ordered the necessary parts and made some cost-effective adjustments where needed. I also placed the order for the PCBs and began planning the integration of the camera control system with the mirror. I worked with the team to decide that the linear motion will be controlled through software, while the panning/rotation could be managed by either hardware or software.
Once the design and component selection were finalized, I developed a plan to test the camera control system and integrate gesture recognition. I’ll write additional test scripts and add more input parameters (like distance and duration) to test different motion types. My main goal is to ensure smooth camera movement, eliminating jitter or unexpected behavior for a stable, responsive system.
In addition, I spent a couple of hours setting up OpenGL, GLFW, and GLAD to get started on the user interface. The installation process was a bit challenging, as it required careful attention to make sure everything was set up correctly. But after troubleshooting and verifying that all packages installed properly, I now have the environment ready for development. This part was crucial to lay the foundation for the visual interface of the project, and it took a fair amount of effort to get everything working smoothly.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
My progress is slightly behind, mainly due to a delay in finalizing and ordering the parts for the camera rig. However, I’ve now completed the design, and all the parts are ordered and accounted for. With everything in place, I’m ready to start building and coding this coming week. I anticipate a significant ramp-up in progress now that I have everything on hand. I will begin assembling the camera rig and focus on coding the user interface using OpenGL. Specifically, I’ll concentrate on developing the menu system and displaying filter selections.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
I aim to complete the assembly of the camera rig and have the menu system fully created and functional by the end of next week.