Steven’s Status Report for Feb 8

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week I worked on finding libraries for eye-tracking and gesture recognition (~4 hrs), and starting on the eye-tracking implementation. One library I found that could do both of these tasks is OpenPose , which in addition could be built on a Jetson. Because we don’t have most of our parts yet, I started developing the code locally. A lot of time (~5 hrs) was spent on trying to get OpenPose to build locally (no prebuilt binaries for unix/linux 🙁 ) ; a lot of dependencies (ex. Caffe) didn’t build on an M1 Mac, so I had to switch to using my x86 linux machine. I was able to get a demo program tracking facial and body keypoints running using the CUDA backend at ~5 fps. More work will have to be done optimizing latency/fps.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will betaken to catch up to the project schedule?

Progress is a little behind, because we don’t have the Jetson Nano yet. Until we get a Nano, one possible route would be to use something like a Docker container to do development on. However, with the current scope of the project I think it is fine to continue development natively on Linux.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

One goal is that I hope to build OpenPose on the Jetson and have at least the demo program running. Another goal is to figure out the Python API for OpenPose so I extract keypoints for the eyes and implement the gesture recognition algorithm.

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