Kevin’s Weekly Status Report for 2/8

We started the week working on the presentation. The three of us met up together to decide on the content of the presentation, and I practiced in front of one of my team members as well as on my own.

I also met with my group to discuss the feedback from our peers and our advisor. We looked into the tools they suggested (i.e. SLAM) and the feedback on the feasibility of using tools such as accelerometers/potentiometers for our purpose. We decided we wanted to pivot our use case to a specific room and install cameras/sensors throughout the room rather than as a wearable on the user. I looked into options towards achieving this, and suggested tools such as UWB positioning in conjunction with SLAM for localization.

I think that our progress may be behind considering that we are not confident in the direction of our project. We have an idea of a potential alternative, but I would like to discuss further with our TA/advisor during the next week’s meetings. Furthermore, I would like to test out some of the tools (such as SLAM/YOLO) to see how complicated these frameworks are to work with.

Kevin’s Status Report for 2/1

This week we discussed and finalized our initial vision for our product. In particular, we made a decision on the specific features we want to implement: object detection as well as close-range navigation. With the rest of the team, I proposed the risks/challenges of various implementations, and decided upon a plan for our product. I begin drafting a materials list of all the hardware components that we anticipate using. Our progress is fairly on schedule, as we are happy with the concept behind this project, and believe that the complexity is both challenging but feasible. In the next week, I would like to research and decide upon specific materials based on functionality and cost.