Talay’s Status Report for 3/8

This week I was able to successfully set up the NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Dev Kit. From last week, we were having trouble setting up the Nano. We tried downloading many OS images from the website through various methods but were not able to get the Jetson booted up. We decided to reorder a new board (the same spec and version) and tested the new board with the OS image given on the Nvidia website. I was able to boot up the board and complete the first few steps to set up our account and sign the user agreements. I also looked into the Jetson connectivity with our computer to run different computer vision tasks. I consulted with my teammates and realized that the best option is to buy a separate wifi card to attach to the Jetson. We can download the CV frameworks and models (pre-trained) into the Jetson from our computer via ethernet or using the Nvidia SDK Manager, but our Jetson still needs to wirelessly connect to the Raspberry Pi 4 via bluetooth. I also tried to connect the stereo camera to the Jetson via CSI (Camera Serial Interface), but that isn’t working yet.

Our progress is slightly behind schedule as I should have the camera set up within this week. I will work to connect the stereo camera to the Jetson so that it can start reading in images from the processor. After the camera setup, we could start downloading pre-trained CV frameworks onto the Jetson. In parallel, we should also set up wifi connectivity from the Jetson to the Raspberry Pi 4.

In the next week, I will have the stereo camera connectivity complete. My teammates will be looking into the pre-trained model so that once the camera connectivity is done, we can start downloading models onto the board.

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