The most significant part risk that could jeopardize the success of the project is the Jetson being able to handle all the CV libraries and processing for our project. We designed our block diagram such that the Jetson is the center node. Thus, the camera inputs will come to the Jetson and the Jetson would have to run 3 CV libraries on it. From there, it would have to take in data from UWB sensors to create directional haptic feedback and send it to the haptic sensors. A lot of processing and data interconnect is on the Jetson, so it is crucial that the Jetson can handle all this seamlessly. Right now we are having trouble booting up the Jetson even with many different OS images found online, so we are falling slightly behind on this task. If the Jetson doesn’t end up working as well as we expected, we might have to shift our processing to be done on a laptop instead. A laptop will definitely be able to handle all the libraries and tasks we intend to use.
Since last week, no changes were currently made to our design. However, depending on how the Jetson experiments go, we might have to pivot our central processing unit to the laptop. This is a relatively minor system change though, since we simply have to send data from the camera to the laptop, but all other implementation details remain unchanged.