1. Personal accomplishments for the week
1.1 System design finalization
The system design was finalized in preparation for the design presentation. As I am in charge of the embedded components of the project, it made sense for me to develop the top-level design for the project.

1.2 Finalizing parts to order
I also spent time requisitioning and ordering additional parts, namely Raspberry Pis (RPis). Specifically, I ordered two additional RPi Zeros after realizing that each RPi only has one Camera Serial Interface port. Thus, in additional to parallel decentralized processing, have one RPi per camera would allow for some scalability with regard to camera and motor control. The RPi Zero was also chosen because of its smaller form factor, allowing it to be placed within the confines of the refrigerator.
1.3 Testing the IMX219-160 (FOV 160°) camera
I also finally received the IMX219-160 camera ordered slightly over a week ago. I have hooked it up to the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B requisitioned from the ECE inventory and been able to capture some images. I have not tried stitching outputs from the camera, however, I believe its extreme FOV will not be ideal for image stitching. As such, I will proceed with ordering more cameras of a lower FOV (~ 80 degrees).
2. Progress status
I am currently on schedule and have completed the tasks set out for the week, apart from developing the data transmission pipeline from the camera to the RPi.
3. Goals for upcoming week
- Order the camera slider
- Order the IMX219-77 (FOV 79.3°) camera
- Developing camera data transmission pipeline and lighting control
- Testing image stitching (if the camera new arrives in time)