taylor koda status report feb 8 2025

I have surgery in a few days so I wanted to get a jump on the web application so I created a GitHub and started working on the Django set up and HTML pages. SO next week other team mates could work on form functionality. Find the GitHub here  https://github.com/tkoda1/Capstone – Taylor Koda. I have plans to finish up some of the pages tmr. Also worked more on updating the figma for the design as well as task break down for the design report. Will work on a github gannt tmr. Status Feb 8

MM Demangone’s Status Report for 2/8/2025

For this week, I picked out the components that we need to buy as well as drawing the general schematic. When looking for the components to buy to build the dispenser device, we realized that we need to pivot and 3D print our design instead. Hence, I had spent this week refreshing myself on the basics of 3D printing, and how CMU does 3D printing since I do not have any experience with 3D printing at CMU. As of now, our project is on schedule! We had to adapt our schedule to adjust for adding the 3D printing, but everything is going as planned. This upcoming week, I am going to start drafting the 3D model for the dispenser and confirming with our TA that our schematic approach can properly drive the servo motors. 




Team Status Report for 2/8/2025

The most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project is the 3D printing and integrating the entire system, as our team does not have collegiate technical training in robotics or 3D printing. Changes that we had made to the system were pivoting from an initially created-device to a 3D printing device. We think we might need a driver to help with the precision for the servo motors, but this is something we need to discuss with our TA this week. 3D printing the device does not change our price range too much, since we would have needed to buy the materials anyways. If we do need to buy a driver, it could increase our price by about 20 dollars. Our updated schedule to account for the 3D printing is as follows: https://github.com/users/tkoda1/projects/2/views/1