Author: jperalta

Sebastian’s Status Report for 4/27/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 4/27/24

Weekly Accomplishment Finished API Calls for Sous Chef App Uploaded Database and Backend Code to Jetson Nano Test ran full integration of the Sous Chef App, still some minor bugs but entire project works and API calls go through the entire system and work.   

Sebastian’s Status Report for 4/20/2024

Sebastian’s Status Report for 4/20/2024

Weekly Accomplishments: Coding in API calls to Sous-Chef Frontend App to connect to local MySQL Database. Inventory Screen calls GET Request to get info from Database and load it. Calendar Screen calls GET Request in same fashion. Requesting a Recipe from ChatGPT now involves using 

Sebastian’s Status Report for 4/6/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 4/6/24

Weekly Accomplishments

  • Installed MySQL DB in actual server
  • Got Backend API that interfaces with MySQL Database working
    • Worked with the Kria AMD board, however we are switching to Jetson Nvidia board
      • Process will be similar.
    • Will have to do again. However, sanity check that my API works over a network was good.
  • Added Delete Functionality to database items
    • Needed to add id for each object in inventory
  • Here is documentation of all currently working API calls

Goals for Next Week

  • Connect Sous-Chef front-end app to Server Application
    • Code in appropriate API calls
  • Implement Web Scraping/Smart Label API Functionality (didn’t quite get to this last week)
Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/30/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/30/24

Weekly Accomplishments Figured out how to make POST Requests work Adding and Removing from SQL Database now functional Execute Post Request from Client: Post Request Processed in backend program Database Commits changes pushed by backend program Added Recipe Database Table and all functions related to 

Sebastian’s Status Report for 23/03/2024

Sebastian’s Status Report for 23/03/2024

Weekly Accomplishments: GET Requests for FastAPI up and running Able to query all tables in Sous-Chef DB Added Recipes Table Need to figure out what to do with Image types (if we will have images on separate BLOB storage) API performs: GET /info/ – pulls 

Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/16/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/16/24

Weekly Accomplishments

  • Created Mock Databases: food_info and food_inventory.
    • food_info contains the expiration duration and food type of all produce Sous-Chef will recognize
    • food_inventory will be where we keep inventory of food and check for when each item will expire
  • Also able to login and connect locally with Database through a python mySQL connector. Thus I have accomplished being able to perform any SQL CRUD operations through python, and can begin to rollout my API.
    • Here is example of my running python script and pulling all the data in food_info
  • Now that I connect to the MySQL database locally via Python and perform operations, I began looking into building out the API that the Sous-Chef flutter App will access.
    • After some research, I was deciding in between using either Flask or FastAPI to create this. I am currently decided on FastAPI due to its speed and it appears to need less boilerplate code (we’ll see how correct I am about that).

Next Week Goals

  • Create the Python API that will connect the frontend of Sous-Chef to the database of the product using FastAPI.
Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/9/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 3/9/24

Weekly Progress: Installed MySQL database onto local machine Able to perform CRUD operations on MySQL command line Below I show an example of an SQL query working on local MySQL DB. Wrote Intro, Testing and Validation, and Summary sections of Design Report Overall Progress: Last 

Sebastian’s Status Report for 24/02/2024

Sebastian’s Status Report for 24/02/2024

Weekly Accomplishments: Finished flutter demo app. Here it is working. Followed this tutorial and got code that randomly generates words from here Most important lessons from finishing the app are: Able to make UI visually respond to inputs Able to save items on a local 

Sebastian’s Status Report for 2/17/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 2/17/24

Weekly Accomplishments

This week I spent mostly becoming more comfortable with the flutter framework. I made a demo app following a tutorial to “Write your first Flutter App”. I learned to make new pages/tabs and work with the UI features of flutter. Below is a screenshot of the app that I have built (it creates a random word, and will generate more if you click next. It also has the ability to save words in a different favorites tab).

Next Week’s Goals

  • Start developing actual app for sous-chef
  • Connect a DB to the app and see how to persist memory in webapp using this framework
Sebastian’s Status Report for 2/10/24

Sebastian’s Status Report for 2/10/24

WEEKLY ACCOMPLISHES/TASKS Researching which DB’s are best for holding food data Most likely an sqflite, a relational database in Flutter However, am unsure if it performs on Web Will create a boiler plate webapp to ensure of working DB Created and Added team members to Github