This past week, I spent most of my time on the build and integration of our robot as it was the most important component left to get working for our interim demo, with the overall code seemingly in a good spot. I helped construct and integrate the remaining acrylic boards for the robot base + electrical component box, the roller mechanism, motors (stepper + DC), wheels, wiring, and the conveyor belt. I had additionally built a circuit to test the ultrasonic sensors, but this had to be tested later due to problems with SSHing and the unavailability of a monitor at the time. I also discovered we wouldn’t be able to use the GPIO pins on the hats without a header extender, so we needed to purchase one. A picture of this robot can be found in our team’s status report.
In addition to building, I also verified the plan for the ML subsystem would work in the 1300 cove. After finding an HDMI cable, this went well. The only concern is with the uneven lighting from the window in the cove, but this can be mostly mitigated by having our camera on the ground rather than on the table. The ML detection working in the coves can be seen in our team’s status report.
Our progress is a bit behind schedule since we had originally hoped to have a working robot that could pick up materials (without the ML subsystem) ready by interim demo. However, this should be fine after taking an additional week. Next week, I will further help with getting the other components of our project ready for full integration. If I have time, I may have a look at the ML subsystem again, but it seems to be low priority.