Leia’s Status Report for 3/23/2024


I continued to practice American sign language, particularly basic greetings and the alphabet. I’ve also been tweaking the mobile app used for testing bluetooth capabilities to work on frontend development and to implement a text box typing function. Because of Adafruit issues mentioned from the last status report, another voltage regulator backpack was purchased in addition to a 3.7V 150mAh Adafruit battery, and they were obtained this week. I tried connecting the OLED screen to the Arduino, but the loose jumper wires and unbending pins that came with both items require soldering to be affixed together. The same can be said for the Adafruit backpack and battery.

Next Steps

Now that all components for the hardware side have been attained, I will be going into the 18220 lab to solder the wires. The interim demo is approaching so my goal is to get the entire hardware side joined together by then. I hope to at least make the Arduino module self-sufficient by connecting the battery and then hooking it to the OLED. The ideal is to also get the OLED working by then using the mobile app.

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