Personal tasks of this week:
Task: Circuit Simulation:
Definition: While the previous issues with Sergey’s thesis were resolved, the full scale circuit simulation must be made and tested using LTSpice.
Completion: The task is not completed :’)) . Iturns out that Sergey’s formulation of his problem introduces many issues when actually trying to solve a more general problem than the very specific problem that he formulated for his thesis.
To test the validity of the approach, we first began with creating a simple 6 variable optimization problem for the circuit primitives to solve.
The problem is as follows:
Linear Cost: th_1+2th_2+3w_1+4w_2+5u_1+6u_2
Equality Constraints: th_1+th_2+w_1+w_2+u_1+u_2 = 20
equality constraint: 2th_1+2th_2+w_1+w_2+u_1+3u_2 = 30
equality constraint: 3th_1+1th_2+2w_1+2w_2+2u_1+1u_2 = 40
equality constraint: 1th_1+3th_2+1w_1+3w_2+1u_1+2u_2 = 50
The largest problem that we figured out is that the circuit that solves the optimization problem does not properly converge. Through much testing, we were able to find many more issues with the current formulation being realized. In the end, we were able to get the circuit to converge to the proper voltages in less than a milisecond, but we were not able to get the circuit to converge to the correct values when adding the bias voltages for the equality constraint.
We also did some further experiments regarding the negative voltage on the linear cost to see how it converges as well.
Overall progress assessment:
My progress is behind-schedule, as we have found more issues with the practical formulation of Sergey’s thesis.