Team Status Report for 4/27

Risk Identification and Mitigation Strategies
Primary Risk Concern: Our primary concern is the OCR integration on time. This module of the project was just finished this week. Yuma still needs to integrate it into the code, taking more time.

Mitigation Measures:
Yuma will be solely focused on finishing the final integration. Siyuan and Jason will work on the final documentation, including final reports, final video, and final poster.

Project Design Updates
As of the current reporting period, there have been no modifications to the initial design of the project.

Schedule and Timeline
We are a little lagging behind the schedule. However, since we only have final integration unfinished, we should have everything done by demo day.

List all unit tests and overall system test carried out for experimentation of the system. List any findings and design changes made from your analysis of test results and other data obtained from the experimentation.


temperature and humidity sensor test

recomandation algorithm test

item registration test

scalling and system reliability test

usability test

scanning test

display test

Findings & Design Changes:

The design of our overall system did not have much changes. However, in the test of scanning items, we have some findings regarding OCR. We did not expect that there are many formats, sizes, and colors of expiration dates. This makes our model tranning harder than we thought. Also, we find that the choice of camera is really important. Our first camera was cheap and it does not have great image quality. Then, we purchased an expensive one, which do have great image quality but was not designed to focus for something at close distance. In the end, due to limited budget, we have to choose a camera with good image quality and can focus at close distance, but the focusing speed is slow and easily affected by shaky hands. All these reasons combined, make our OCR module does not have a satisfying scanning accuracy.

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