What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or
photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
For this week, I was mostly sick, so I could not come to class and was traveling on Monday, so I missed class. However, I was able to feel better soon and was able to do some work. I worked on the Ethics assignment and read about how technology can be political. While doing the ethics assignment, I’ve came up with different ways I am considering to add to my design as stretch goals, such as speaking in different languages to also reach more users. For the iOS app, I worked on integrating the text to speech feature onto the app, to read message off of the screen to the user. Originally, I was struggling a little bit to do that as it seemed to be that the iOS version had to be downgraded for that to work. However, after a few days of tinkering and considering different modules (I was considering using OpenAI too), I was able to get it working with Av Foundation! Currently, the app can read screens and the different states of the system to the user and also verify the user’s activity, such as when trying to connect to a peripheral bluetooth device.
• Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
I think I am a little bit behind, as I got sick and was stuck for a bit with the iOS problem, but for next week, I will try to ramp that up. I will be planning on working for more hours next week to compensate for being sick this week and also travel issues.
• What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
I hope to finish setting up all the state screens and get the app to correctly read them to the user and also add images to those screens. I also hope to think about ways to interactively teach the user how to use the app through a tutorial, but I have to decide first what is to do. If not, I plan to start working on integrating the app with the Jetson and try to get basic data from it and learn more about data processing here.