Shiyi Zhang’s Status Report for 02/25/2023

Personal Accomplishments

Over the past week, I’ve been working on creating the cart page for our kiosk. To make things easier, we decided to use Django, which will allow us to write our backend in Python. For the frontend, we thought it would be best to stick with HTML and rely on Bootstrap for styling. With this approach, we can keep things simple while still creating a great user experience.

Here’s what the page will look like (some places are displaying source code because they are expecting outputs from the backend, which is currently under development):


On schedule?

This week I’m a bit behind on schedule as we have a lot of pages to create. Originally I planned to make at least two pages per week. However, due to other commitments, such as wrapping up another project and taking a final exam for a half-semester class, I fell behind. I will get us back on track next week.

Deliverables for next week

I’m planning to create two additional web pages. The first page will be displayed when the kiosk is listening to the customer speaking, and the second page will be an error page that will only be shown when the customer’s audio quality is poor and we need them to repeat their request. These pages will help improve the overall user experience by providing clear instructions and feedback to our customers.

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