Devanks Status Report April 29th, 2023
This week most of my work was done toward the presentation and preparing for the same. We had the presentation on Wednesday and it went smoothly. In terms of code, I thought of how to add Bounce shots to our algorithm, and I am happy to report that I figured out the math that would be required for the same. I am waiting to integrate this change into the main code base as first I want to finalize the positioning of the projector and the camera with Jimmy so that we don’t have to realign it constantly. Moreover, I still have some bugs to iron out on integrating with Justin, which should not be too bad either. This week’s work is mostly going to be split up into testing, integration, and deliverables such as the report and the poster.
Since this is the last status report, I just wanted to say working with my team has been fantastic over the course of this semester and I am really glad that we were able to meet our deliverables (hopefully) and produce an interesting project. These 13 works have been incredible and I am really grateful to have two wonderful teammates.