Jimmy’s Status Report for March 4th
This week I worked on helping with the frame and working on the Design Report. I helped pick up the wood from Home Depot where we ordered it and transported it back to CMU for us to use. I helped start construction of the frame on Wednesday as well. Finally, I was looking into CV programs and found a github repo online that is designed to find pool balls on a table from screenshots. I talked with TAs and they gave the ok to use this(while citing it) and so I am going to edit the code we are using to instead work off of live video instead of screenshots. I am a little behind schedule but this next week of school(after spring break) is very light and so I will have plenty of time to work on it. I hope to modify the CV program to use it to identify any pool balls on the table from live video and work out any kinks and unexpected bugs that appear from doing this.