Youssef Status Report 4/29

Progress Updates:

  • Software system completed and fine-tuned with some additional features like displaying pose reference image and bug fixes for performance
  • Got user testing feedback to verify milestones and requirements have been hit
  • Gave final presentation/prepared ppt
  • Completing final report/poster/and video for demo

Next Steps:

  • Finish up final assignments (report, poster, video)
  • Be ready for final interim demo

Youssef’s Status Report 4/1

Current Progress:


  • By the timeline, we should have been finished with the hardware construction by this point, however, because of the multiple unexpected issues we ran into and the dependencies from the hardware on how the software works (mapping system etc.), we chose to spend more time working on the Mirror hardware construction.
  • This means that we will have to push the mirror-camera integration and the mirror UI into our buffer time which we allocated for situations like this where we are slightly off-track.

Next Steps:

  • We will complete the error rendering for the UI
  • Need to make final adjustments to the mapping component
  • We will also contact the yoga instructor to gain any constructive criticism before our final demo.

Youssef’s Status Report 3/25

Current Progress:

  • Wrote out the pose correction rendering code to dynamically highlight user nodes that need correction
  • Went to Home Depot to obtain the wood pieces and get the corresponding cuts completed, beginning assembly
  • Worked on finalizing mirror coordinate mapping component and testing methodology with example data points prior to full integration testing post-hardware completion


  • Our initially scheduled tasks on the timeline focus on the Mirror UI and the Mirror-Camera calibration components which we are on track to fully complete and test in an integrated environment this week. We are slightly behind on the error rendering component of the UI (need to actually have corrective suggestions not just highlighted errors) and the hardware assembly, but we plan to have that finished this week.

Next Steps:

  • Need to update pose correction rendering to actually give corrective suggestions not just error highlighting/signalling
  • Will complete hardware assembly/integration
  • Test mirror mapping component using completed hardware setup

Youssef’s Status Report 2/18

Progress Update:

  • Met with yoga instructor
    • Collected yoga reference images for fixed set of poses from 2 different angles (side and frontal view) to ensure all critical elements of pose are captured to be used downstream in the pose correction component
    • Interviewed them to gain better understanding of appropriate error signals to look for as guides for corrective suggestions and also know if the metrics we plan to use in PosePal are comprehensive enough/will result in an effective yoga-learning tool
  • Helped with pose correction library implementation
    • Researched more/collected information about the algorithms and metrics we would use to represent poses/detect errors
    • Tested functionality of implemented library to validate results of computed angles on set of examples

Still need to actually order hardware, but given the fact that the hardware we need to buy isn’t particularly niche/hard to acquire and that we are on track with the other tasks/don’t have pressing work that requires hardware within the next couple weeks, we should be able to get the hardware this week and still be on track with our planned schedule.

Relevant Courses Taken:

  •  Intro to Machine
  • Into to Deep Learning
  • Concepts in AI
  • Pattern Recognition Theory
  • Advanced algorithm course (15-210, 15-451, etc.)
  • Physics
  • Experience working with CV/rendering from computer vision swe internships

Next Week:

  • My goals next week are to finish the pose correction component and map errors internally to corrective suggestions
  • We also need to have the hardware ordered by the end of the week

Youssef’s Status Report 2/11

Proposal Work

  • Completed requirements and software solution sections of proposal presentation slides
  • Prepared for and gave actual presentation for PosePal proposal to the class

Project Work/Progress

  • Synched with and organized meeting with yoga instructor for key project-related tasks
    • Will collect selected example pose models from scheduled meeting with instructor
    • Also prepared questions to ask instructor to identify what error signals our pose correction system should look for to best match how in-person classes are run and give the best user experience possible
  • Conducted research on different possible approaches we could use for the pose estimation component of PosePal
    • Collected benchmark performance data of candidate models for comparison and to understand how to objectively define the requirements that we can and should meet to satisfy the outlined use case for the project
    • Ran example models on video footage and using real-time camera to make sure that we can run and use them in the project itself
    • Example notebook link:
  • Code snippet for extracting the model and setting up needed environment to run it:

Next week deliverables include the following:

  • Meeting with yoga instructor on Monday and collect the reference yoga pose models
  • Implement the pose correction library that will include the geometric computations like computing the Euclidean angle given two x,y,z coordinates for use in pose comparison
  • Implement functionality to actually suggest corrections given two points, the reference and user’s, use this information downstream for the correction rendering and suggestions which will be the target task starting in the following week

Schedule Status Check

We have accomplished all the deliverables that we’ve outlined for up until this point on the schedule per the Gantt chart for the first week. Our upcoming tasks for the previous week are all included in the above next week deliverables section, so we expect to still be on track and in line with our original schedule by the end of the week.