Ankita’s Status Report 04/22

Progress Updates:

  • Finished Audio cues code and figured out a way to sync the audio cues with the live video feed (was very laggy before as the audio files would need to be continuously generated)
  • Tested and fine-tuned the thresholds for all the poses to suit beginner/intermediate level yoga practitioners
    • Might need to add in some buffer time between poses and display the name and picture of what the expected pose is
    • Overall, the software is in good shape and just some minor adjustments need to be made
  • Created a survey (Google form) that will be used to gauge how accessible and effective PosePal is

In regards to the timeline, we are in good shape as we finished the Hardware construction and just have some minor Software adjustments to make. We just have testing, as scheduled, remaining with the yoga instructor and users of different body types, heights, and skill levels.

Next Steps:

  • Change some of the audio cues to be phrased differently and tune the parameters further for the Downward Dog pose (other poses have already been tuned)
  • Finish integrating the side camera into the system and test with running both cameras in different shells
  • Meet with the yoga instructor again to gather feedback on the accuracy metric of our Software suggestions
  • Gather data from the survey on how accessible PosePal is to fulfill our design requirement
  • Start working on the final presentation/report/video!

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