Team Status Report For 2/25

Progress Updates:

  • We continued working on the Pose Correction algorithm and completed the functions to check whether the current pose is within the defined threshold of the reference pose (as determined by extracting the notable node configurations from the yoga instructor’s ideal images)
  • We researched different monitors that we could potentially use to construct a full-length mirror and decided to use a seamless, dual monitor set-up resulting in a final length of 48 in, which we determined was sufficient enough to account for most heights
    • We decided to use the flexible 2-way mirror sheet instead of the acrylic as an initial prototype as it was cheaper, thin (so the LCD screen would shine through), and had a variable length (as we were initially not sure which monitors we would end up using).


  • The primary risk so far is the Mirror hardware construction as we are not sure whether the 2 LCD monitors will be able to stick together using just the wooden frame or if additional measures will need to be taken
  • If the wooden frame is not sufficient enough, we could also attach both monitors to an external piece of wood and overlay the mirror on top of that subassembly.

Changes to schedule and team work:

  • No other schedule changes have been made and we will attempt to finish our backlogged tasks this week
  • The pose correction is our top priority and all teammates are working on that right now but we will continue with our task split up after this
  • There are no issues with our teamwork and accountability

Next Steps:

  • Continue testing and refining the threshold parameters for whether the current pose is within error margins and can be classified as correct
  • After receiving feedback on our Design Presentation, we will adjust our verification and validation procedures to create more quantitative and robust checks to ensure our design meets our stated requirements
  • Contingent upon our materials arriving this week, we will start assembling the wooden frame encapsulating our LCD screens, attach the LCD screens together, and apply the 2-way mirror sheet to complete our hardware assembly
  • For software, we will completely finish the Pose Correction algorithm and start testing it at various angles and distances to ensure it accounts for those discrepancies

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