Anish’s Status Report 3/25

This week I was attempting to figure out how to get PicoScenes to detect the NULL/ACK packets from our pinging attack in order to use it for measuring the time-of-flight to maximum possible accuracy. I was not able to make much progress on this because I kept running into some other issues with PicoScenes where it would crash randomly and sometimes crash my other network interfaces with it (I was initially using a wired connection to SSH into the machine with PicoScenes); I’m still trying to fix this (possibly related to other configuration on the computer; restarting seems to help but the problem does sometimes come back).

I did clean up the ESP32 code a little bit, which, while not the best (very noisy data), is an option to at least start testing full system integration. It’s still unclear whether there’s a more effective way to handle dealing with multipath on the results from the ESP32.

I am slightly behind schedule which I hope to rectify in the next week by spending more time debugging and make a final decision on whether PicoScenes will work, or if we need to rely fully on Scapy + ESP32 for everything. There is also the open question of whether the directional antenna will buy us any more useful data. Next steps after that is to start prototyping the user-interface where we will actually show the results to the user.


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