We’re all caught up to our requirements. We spent last week polishing our system and getting it ready for presentation. We will be recording our final data to use tomorrow now that we are all in Pittsburgh.
We will reuse the theming from our final presentation slides for our poster, which is under construction.
The worst-case scenario is our demo breaking the day it gets shown. We will make sure the video can be used as a substitute in case of failure.
Our tests involved unit tests for individual components, i.e. device detection, device pinging, device localization, and self/AR localization, and integration tests. For device detection, we put several devices in a network and tested if it detected all the devices; for pinging, we pinged a known device and observed the ACK packets; for device localization, we localized a known device at known location, and measured the error from the expected to the actual location; and for self and AR localization, we put an AR object in a known location and checked visually. For integration testing, we moved through different traces with devices in different locations and networks.