Hey, happy april fools.
Last week, Anish and I collected our first actual data trace with the ESP32 for ToF logging. I finished up scripts for self-localization and visualizing the data traces, while Anish coded the ESP back end for measuring ToF. This should put us back on track for our schedule and on pace to meet the demo on Wednesday.
General thoughts about the data: ToF is a super noisy measurement, we might need to increase our scanning time in the final system. The accuracy is a little low, but this is mainly due to some clock drift that’s happening in our transmitting laptop just because its super old. We’ll have to figure out how to distinguish the clock drift from actual SIFS timing or movement next week.
Next week, I’ll focus on preparing for the demo and improving the processing with the actual data we collected. Results are promising (the trace where we got everything working was within a meter of the target), but we need more testing to verify it.