Dianne’s Status Report for 2/25


This past week, as a group we worked on specifying what we needed for our project as well as the Design Review. I worked on the full diagram depicting how the parts of the project fit together and how they are connected.

Individually, I got started with the code for the Light Area of Effect (LAOE) algorithm. I made a rough outline/layout of the different working functions that I would need to write, as well as implementing a few of them. I wrote out the algorithm for the projection of the light coming through the window onto the floor using the manual testing we had done last week. This is the code so far, but it will need to be changed after doing some testing with the data we have on hand:

Additionally, I wrote the start to some code for checking for the intersection between a point (person) and the volumetric prism where the light is cast into the room. All my changes were reflected here: https://github.com/djge/18500_GroupC1

Next Steps

So far, I am on track with the development of the algorithm. Next week, I hope to work on the rest of the code to a point where we are able to start writing test cases for individual functions and the functions that will determine what the changes to the blinds should be. We will also be working on the Design Report as a team throughout the next week.

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